What is „Helpful Content“?

The answer depends on the perspective from which one defines the pair of terms. Above all, however, on what Google evaluates as helpful. To speculate about this would be the outdated SEO thinking and it is exactly against this that the update is directed.

After all, can it be translated like this:

„Please, please, how many times should we say it? Of course, a page must be technically cleanly structured, but we can not be fooled. We are always better than you when it comes to evaluating how helpful your offer really is.“

You can believe this or not.


Why is Google doing this?

You could say out of desperation or as a threat. Or out of delusions of grandeur in the opinion that one can finally really measure the value of „help“ correctly this time. Of course, the brand core should also be served: relevant results in organic search.


But the main reason is probably far simpler:

To increase the utility of Ads and Adsense programs (and thus Google’s revenues).


Paid Advertising? Ew

With the Google Ads program, some questions are easier to answer. „Helpful“ must be in „advertising“ primarily for the one who pays for it. You and I as advertising customers and site operators can expect a medium like Google to prove to us how effective it is. In general, this already works much better than with advertisements in print objects with the well-known consequences for the publishing landscape.

In order for this proof to succeed, I as a site operator must define what measurable user behavior on my site is a success for me and, best of all, how much it is worth to me in €.


In order for me and Google to have the desired success together, that data is indispensable, which Google provides me with in the paid ads program as market research in real time.

In short:

Only with the help of Google Ads is it possible to quickly direct visitors:inside to my site, who have already very clearly formulated the need for my „content offer“ in the search window. My target group.


Only then can I begin to learn how to become more helpful by customizing my responses to meet my business goals.


Often this data leads to a better understanding of how certain needs are formulated by users. After all, they are often not specialists, and so the terms differ significantly from my „inside view.“

So we are dealing with a control loop that only functions reliably if all the necessary data is available. The sale of this data, the knowledge about the needs of the users, fills the coffers of Google.


How can my offer become helpful?

There are many aspects to „helpful content“ and thus many reasons for using specialists.

  • Specialized knowledge of the industry
  • Customer knowledge
  • Solution skills
  • Marketing data analysis
  • Information design
  • User Experience Design
  • Service design
  • Programming